Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Little Things Keep Pouring Over

even when its been one of those weeks...!

Accomplishing daunting tasks one step at a time.
Sticking to my workout regimen and realizing that I owe it to myself.
Painting Brooklynn's nails alternating pink and yellow.
Re-focus on what I know should be my main focus,
and stripping away the unnecessary clutter in my mind.
Walking Home Depot with Husband. 
Oh, the possibilities when we're working together!
The rare moments of a quiet home, and my mind settling into writer's mode.
Driving along our winding roads, singing along to the radio and having the urge to jot things down.  So I pull over at the market, fish out my wee notebook and write said things.  I believe you should NEVER ignore such moments--write what should be written or they'll slip away like a tattered leaf in the wind.
God inspiring said moments.
The shop office nearly complete and knowing that I'll have a place to turn to when I need quiet and have words to write.
Receiving my invite to join Pinterest!  I can't wait to start pinning!
{I'll let you know where I am at once I get going.}

And anything this color.  Love.

I'm feeling particularly good this week. 
It's all of these little things jumbled into life that make the going sweeter. 

What are your little things?
Care to share with us?  You can join this thursday series by
linking up on the right side-bar.
Please do visit the others linking in!

image via pinterest.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Some Rainy Day Color

Its been work, work, work, and rain, rain, rain around here.

When I saw this mini-tutorial for DIY Recycled Crayons over at Living the Swell Life--a wonderful little blog, I knew we had to do it to bring some color into our dreary day.

I think the best part of this craft are the pictures! 
Love all the color!

Aren't they fun?  We're going to package up a handful
to put in birthday gifts for a couple of Brooklynn's friends.

Now, what other things can we do to forget about the rain?

P.S. I'm linking up to Friday Pretties
Go on over and visit Joyce and all the pretty things!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Little Things

Hearing the words, "it is so nice to see you," at least two or three times from my dear friend, Katie, who I don't see nearly enough. 
Finding that said dear friend's other half is just as awesome and adventurous as she.  I admired them all evening.
Hosting parties.
Another Olweus Bully Prevention Trainer and school district prevention trainer inviting me for lunch and taking three hours out of her day to talk kids, prevention, lack of funding and politics in our schools.  She gave it to me straight--just the sort of talk I needed.
Walking our property.
Seeing the fresh sprouts in the flower beds and wondering what they'll bring?
Watching my children look at books.
A journal with just a few empty pages. 

Perhaps I can find a set like these next?

What are the little things that move you?
You can join this series by linking up to The Little Things on the right side-bar.
I'd love to have you!
Please do go visit the others, too!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sleeplessness and Mantra Alterations

It was a long weekend that has us desperately working to fall into "routine" again.  I am not sure that this entire household ever adjusted to the time change??  Its been at least two weeks of much interrupted sleep, and it has me quite baffled as I've always considered myself a master sleeper.  I'm hoping these are just mishaps--or adjustments to our new home and the spring forward that will settle themselves quickly. 

I haven't a whole lot to say today, except that I've gone ahead and changed the words to my mantra.  I am allowed this, right?  It is mine...and yesterday and today and the days going forward it will still be appropriate and fitting.  Seems life has required that I participate in a mini-course on bravery, and as my journal would attest, I have many thoughts and words on the subject.  So, when I have more than five minutes, I'll share more.  It's the lessons that we pull from our lives that I believe are important to share with one another.

But for now, since my children need tending, the mantra change.
I'm still looking for a quote credit...Anyone?

is now this:

You have to be brave with your life
so you can teach your children
how to be brave with theirs.

It only takes a few words about the children to re-gear and make appropriate life-alterations. 

What is YOUR mantra?

Blessings to you on this rain-free Wednesday,

Thursday, March 17, 2011

For Japan With Love

Tomorrow, I'm joining the many bloggers who are uniting in silence and support
for all who have been affected by the heartbreaking disasters in Japan.

You can get involved, too, here.

Thank you Utterly Engaged and Ever Ours for organizing a way for us bloggers
to reach across the sea.

xx, Cassie

The Little Things

An afternoon music lesson with my friend, Melody.  She is so talented.
Sore finger-tips from working on my guitar playing skills.
Imagining that one day I'll be able to play the guitar seamlessly.
The 'I Love You' note that my sister sent in the mail that is now on my fridge.
Talking decor with my interior-expert mother.
Husband bringing home unexpected salvaged treasures--pictures soon! 
A new, LARGE inspiration board--
I've got to get this task of decorating laid out and organized!
Noticing that of all the places in the entire house my children could be, they'd choose to be touching knees on the floor, playing together. 
I pray they are always this close and loving toward each other.
My ever-growing list of inspirational blogs.
Anticipating a reunion and a birthday celebration with friends this weekend.

You?  What are the little things that are on your mind?
You can join The Little Things by linking up on the right sidebar,
and please do visit the others, too!

Friday, March 11, 2011

I'm Struck With Color

I may be lacking sleep, but I can still look for home inspiration!
These photos have caught my eye in a special way...
No words, just love.
I do love this color combination very much.
Pops of orange, red and coral frequently call my name.
See what I mean?
Mustard and slate is quite nice, too.
Maybe in the office?
And a room with a Linen wall finish--Yes Please!

This weekend is empty, but I plan to fill it up with today's sunshine, organizing, browsing for more home ideas, yard work, and possibly some baking. 


Have a great weekend!

P.S. I'm linking up to Friday Pretties.  Go enjoy the rest!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Little Things...

Sorry I'm late...what a horrible host I am!

Waking to tall, lush Evergreens as Husband pulls open the drapes in the morning. 
The repeats of "I love you Mommy," from my son throughout the day.
Plans of food storage and garden preparations.
A surge of sunbreak after a night of constant rain.
Party planning for the little ones--we have TWO May birthdays coming up!
A child-free afternoon of errand running.
Browsing the Internet for home decor ideas.
A freshly painted room.
Old friends coming into town.
The turning of a new day.
and...always an orangish-pink sky.

What are your little things this day??

xx, Cassie

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

10 Things I've Learned in Two Weeks of Country Living

1.    If my son goes outside, expect him to return muddy.
2.    Each person in my family should own a pair of rubber boots.
3.    Weeding and bike riding are perfect activities before dinner.
4.    Trips into town take precise planning--especially with the rise in gas prices.
5.    If Husband wants to show me his latest yard accomplishments, and insists that I come now, there is no need to hesitate, even if I am in my towel. 
6.    The words "I'm bored," are not allowed in this home.
7.    Windows without blinds are not frightening.
8.    Skylights are refreshing, and so is the rain when it hits their panes.
9.    Husband is the ultimate fixer, and possesses skills that I am sure I still don't know about.  He is truly awesome.
10.  There are plenty of natural resources for projects on this piece of property.
And one more...
11.   The noise of life is drastically reduced with a little country living.

You may have noticed less and less of me lately.  I've been soaking in what it means to be not of the city or the suburbs, but one living in the country.  I've been keeping my electronics at bay, and it seems appropriate and natural. The sensations that come with this new life have me taking into account many of my past everyday movements, and have me filtering them either in or out of this new life. This transition is precious to me, and I find myself wanting to protect it, to plant positive seed and to cultivate what has already been given in this new space. I feel renewed, yet I'm thirsting for more of the quiet that stands around me. 
It's been a good new beginning.  So, so good.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Settling In With More of The Little Things

It has been quite a week! 
Thank you for all of your warm wishes regarding our move. 
I appreciate your kind encouragement.  Seems you've been there before, eh?
In the last week, we've packed, moved, been hit with the biggest winter storm of the year yet, and been trying our best to get our home life and business back into routine.
But I ain't going to lie--there are boxes to be unpacked in every room, toiletries on my dresser, and mass amounts of laundry to be done. 

But we are here, beginning this new phase of our lives in the place
we've looked forward to for years. 
We love our piece of country, and I can't wait to show you around.

Because I haven't had the chance to take many photographs since the move, here are a few from my iPhone during the recent winter blast. 

Follow the bend in the road and take your next right. 
The coffee is on.
I love our neighbors white fence. 
They also have the most perfect rows of trees in their front portion of property.
After our second night, we woke to this.  Fluffy white snowflakes the entire day long. 
It didn't let up until late in the evening.
This photo is looking out my kitchen window. 
We have a deck that wraps across the front of the house to the back, and I just love it.
I keep imagining me, with my book and a tall glass of iced tea, lounged on the porch with a good read--Dandelion Wine, perhaps? in the afternoon summer heat, while the children run around the yard. 
I can't help it.
Last night was the most mysterious, thick with haze, dusk sky.
But it didn't stop Husband from taking the wee ones out for a sledding adventure.
Husband is such a good Daddy and brings so much spontaneity to our home.
Now, they're all set for the bunny slopes.

It's all these little things, that make each day an adventure, and truly, a blessed life.

What are your little things this day?
Please do share and link up on the right sidebar! 
Can't wait to visit!

“You must write every single day of your life... You must lurk in libraries and climb the stacks like ladders to sniff books like perfumes and wear books like hats upon your crazy heads... may you be in love every day for the next 20,000 days. And out of that love, remake a world.” ― Ray Bradbury
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