A reading resolution
I may not have yet completed my New Years resolutions or goals or what have you for the year,
but No. 1 is definitely:
I'm going to go big this year and aim to read 20 books.
Now I'm excited to plan what these twenty books are, AND have an excuse to go to Powell's Books. Wait. One never needs an excuse to go to Powell's Books.
Do you have a reading resolution? What's your goal?
Happy Weekending!
Hi Cassie ~ Happy New Year! Reading is always at the top of my list. I don't usually make a reading goal but I get upset if I read less than 12 books. This year was hard and slow so I read very little. I chose the books with care and they were all very good. See my Pinterest board if you want some recommendations...http://pinterest.com/audrey/books-read-in-2012/. Hope you're doing well!
maybe not 20 for me but at least a couple
I want to read more too. I'll have to check your recommendations on Goodreads, and make my list of books for 2013.
I do have a reading goal and it is 35. Last year my goal was 30 and although it was tough, I was a success. So 35 this year.
Yeah, I agree with Tricia - I really need to aim for at least a couple. I want to read more. Need to make the time.
Audrey--I am going to check your list out. I always like recommendations. :)
Jennifer--35 is awesome! Let me know if there are some that I shouldn't pass up!
Any reading goal is a good goal, ladies!
I've never thought about setting a # for the year, that's a great idea!
I have, however, been posting my latest reads on pinterest. Here's mine, should anyone care to look. :)
I'll be checking out Audrey's.
And I'd like to recommend all of Cheryl Strayed's books, incl. Tiny, Beautiful, Things, which I basically spent the last 3 months of 2012 recommending to everyone.
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